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Den 14. november 2012


November 14th 2012

First Grand Hotel, Odense, Denmark





10.00              Words of welcome, Prof Hans Hasselbalch, Chairmen of the Society

                      Incl. date for next meeting, short notes


10.10                        CML – update, Prof. Jesper Stentoft and Consultant Ole Weis Bjerrum


10.20              Daliah – study, Dr. Thomas Stauffer Larsen


10.30              Quality of Life – study, Dr. N Brochmann Mortensen


10.40              Vorinostat-study – final results, Dr. Christen Lykkegaard Andersen


10.50              Pathology study Myelofibrosis, Dr. Ann Madelung


Session A.     Myelofibrosis – introduction, chairman Consultant Klas Raaschou-Jensen


11.00              Myelofibrosis Danish Guidelines, Prof Hans Hasselbalch


11.25              Allo SCT in Myelofibrosis: The Danish data 1990-2010, Consultant Henrik Sengeløv


11.45              Indications and Timing of Allo SCT in myelofibrosis anno 2012, Prof Joachim Deeg


12.45              Challenging cases in myelofibrosis, Consultant Klas Raaschou-Jensen and colleagues



13.00              Lunch



Session B.     MDS - introduction, chairman Consultant Klas Raaschou-Jensen


13.30              MDS Nordic guidelines, Consultant Lars Kjeldsen


13.55              Allo SCT in MDS: The Danish data 1990-2010, Consultant Anders Lindmark


14.15              Coffee


14.30              Indications and Timing of Allo SCT in MDS anno 2012, Prof Joachim Deeg


15.30              Challenging cases in MDS, Consultant Klas Raaschou-Jensen and colleagues


15.45              Closing of the meeting


Please mail cases (both MDS and myelofibrosis) to:
